검색결과 리스트
분류 전체보기에 해당되는 글 167건
- 2007.06.25 K.K. Ballad
- 2007.06.25 K.K. Slider의 46분간의 숨막히는 연주
- 2007.06.22 [070622] 황금삽
- 2007.06.22 "노인과 여인" - 시각을 바꾸어라
- 2007.06.21 K군 노래 목록
- 2007.06.21 동물의 숲에 찾아오는 동물 리스트 및 시간대
- 2007.06.21 K.K 군의 노래 가사
K.K. Ballad
Animal Crossing/K.K. Slider Songs
2007. 6. 25. 11:34
K군의 발라드 연주
'Animal Crossing > K.K. Slider Songs' 카테고리의 다른 글
K.K. Slider의 46분간의 숨막히는 연주 (0) | 2007.06.25 |
K.K. Slider의 46분간의 숨막히는 연주
Animal Crossing/K.K. Slider Songs
2007. 6. 25. 11:10
동물의 숲 최고의 연주가 K.K. Slider 씨(K군)의 주옥같은 노래들을 들어보자.
K군은 매주 토요일 오후 박물관 지하에서 라이브 공연을 해준다.
어서 모든 곡을 MP3 로 모아야 할텐데..
혹시 MP3 로 가지고 계시거나 가지고 계신분을 아시면 제보 주시기 바랍니다.
자 그럼 따끈한 차한잔을 가지고.. K군의 리사이틀 속으로 빠져 볼까요?
'Animal Crossing > K.K. Slider Songs' 카테고리의 다른 글
K.K. Ballad (0) | 2007.06.25 |
[070622] 황금삽
Animal Crossing/Today..?
2007. 6. 22. 15:42
어느덧 친구들이 하나둘 모여 8명이 되었는데 그중 최근 이사 온녀석이 아직 짐을 안풀었더라. 내가 찾아가니 짐을 푼다는데..다음에 오라네.. 그래서 그냥 뛰쳐 나왔어..
다른 마을에서 얻어온 삽한자루를 들고와 집앞에 묻어놨더니.. 글쎄 ... 오늘 황금삽이 되었지 머야.. 내친김에 황금삽으로 돈을 좀 심었어.. 일명 돈나무라고 하지.
바위쳐서 얻은 돈 1000Bel 을 심었는데.. 내가 몰르고 다시 파버렸지머야.. 아까운 1000Bel
그래서 2000Bel 주머니를... 다시 심었어.. 죽어버리면.....ㅠ.ㅠ 2000Bel 날리는거야..
내일부터는 매일 1000Bel씩 묻어보려구..
아침에 해변에 갔더니.. 코코넛이 하나더 떠내려와서. 그걸..해변에 또 심었어.. 제발 또 잘 커주기를 바라면서...
오늘은 또 무슨일이 일어날까?
내일은 꼭 K군이 들려주는 라이브 콘서트를 보러 가야겠다.. ㅋㅋ
다른 마을에서 얻어온 삽한자루를 들고와 집앞에 묻어놨더니.. 글쎄 ... 오늘 황금삽이 되었지 머야.. 내친김에 황금삽으로 돈을 좀 심었어.. 일명 돈나무라고 하지.
바위쳐서 얻은 돈 1000Bel 을 심었는데.. 내가 몰르고 다시 파버렸지머야.. 아까운 1000Bel
그래서 2000Bel 주머니를... 다시 심었어.. 죽어버리면.....ㅠ.ㅠ 2000Bel 날리는거야..
내일부터는 매일 1000Bel씩 묻어보려구..
아침에 해변에 갔더니.. 코코넛이 하나더 떠내려와서. 그걸..해변에 또 심었어.. 제발 또 잘 커주기를 바라면서...
오늘은 또 무슨일이 일어날까?
내일은 꼭 K군이 들려주는 라이브 콘서트를 보러 가야겠다.. ㅋㅋ
'Animal Crossing > Today..?' 카테고리의 다른 글
[070620] 새로운 이웃들.. 그리고 WIFI (0) | 2007.06.20 |
[070619] 코코넛을 심다. (0) | 2007.06.19 |
동물의 숲 시작하기... (0) | 2007.06.19 |
"노인과 여인" - 시각을 바꾸어라
2007. 6. 22. 09:56
무슨 씨츄에이션? 처음 이 그림을 보고 무슨 생각이 떠오르세요? 푸에르토리코의 국립미술관에는 푸른 수의를 입은 노인이 젊은 여자의 젖을 빠는 "노인과 여인"이라는 그림 한 작품이 걸려 있다. 방문객들은 노인과 젊은 여자의 부자유스러운 애정행각을 그린 이 작품에 불쾌한 감정을 표출한다. 이런 싸구려 그림이 어떻게 국립미술관의 벽면을 장식할 수 있단 말인가. 그것도 미술관의 입구에... 딸 같은 여자와 놀아나는 노인의 부도덕을 통렬히 꾸짖는다. 의아한 생각을 떨쳐버릴 수가 없다. 푸른 수의를 입은 주책스런 노인과 이성을 잃은 젊은 여성은 가장 부도덕한 인간의 한 유형으로 비쳐지고 있다. 작가는 도대체 어떤 의도로 이 불륜의 현장을 형상화하고 있는 것일까? 이 그림은 정말 3류 포르노인가? 푸른 수의를 입은 노인은 분명히 젊은 여인의 아버지다. 커다란 젖가슴을 고스란히 드러내 놓고 있는 여인은 노인의 딸이다. 이 노인은 푸에르토리코의 자유와 독립을 위해 싸운 투사였다. 독재정권은 노인을 체포해 감??넣고 가장 잔인한 형벌을 내렸다. '음식물 투입 금지' 노인은 감?【? 서서히 굶어 죽어갔다. 딸은 해산한 지 며칠 지나서 무거운 몸으로 감옥을 찾았다. 아버지의 임종을 보기 위해서였다. 뼈만 앙상하게 남은 아버지를 바라보는 딸의 눈에 핏발이 섰다 마지막 숨을 헐떡이는 아버지 앞에서 무엇이 부끄러운가. 여인은 아버지를 위해 가슴을 풀었다. 그리고 불은 젖을 아버지의 입에 물렸다. "노인과 여인"은 부녀간의 사랑과 헌신과 애국심이 담긴 숭고한 작품이다. 푸에르토리코인들은 이 그림을 민족혼이 담긴 '최고의 예술품'으로 자랑하고 있다. 동일한 그림을 놓고 사람들은 '포르노'라고 비하도 하고 '성화'라고 격찬도 한다. "노인과 여인"에 깃든 이야기를 모르는 사람들은 비난을 서슴지 않는다. 그러나 그림속에 담긴 본질을 알고 나면 눈물을 글썽이며 명화를 감상한다. 사람들은 가끔 본질을 파악하지도 않고 비난의 화살을 쏘아대는 우를 범한다. 본질을 알면 시각이 달라진다. 교만과 아집 그리고 편견을 버려야만... 세상이 보인다...... |
'Ideas' 카테고리의 다른 글
미로밴드 VS 너바나.. (0) | 2007.08.09 |
[펌] 이송희일, 디워 비판에 대하여 (2) | 2007.08.04 |
망해라 스카이라이프 (4) | 2007.06.15 |
철도청이 국민의 정보를 쌍용화재에 팔았다 (2) | 2007.05.08 |
국민 연금.. 국민을 궁지로 모는 연금 (0) | 2007.04.24 |
K군 노래 목록
Animal Crossing/Solutions
2007. 6. 21. 10:42
K.K. Slider 노래 곡목
Agent K.K.
Aloha K.K.
Comrade K.K.
Forest Life
Go K.K. Rider!
I Love You
Imperial K.K.
K.K. Aria
K.K. Ballad
K.K. Blues
K.K. Bossa
K.K. Calypso
K.K. Casbah
K.K. Chorale
K.K. Condor
K.K. Country
K.K. Cruisin'
K.K. D & B
K.K. Dirge
K.K. Dixie
K.K. Etude
K.K. Faire
K.K. Folk
K.K. Fusion
K.K. Gumbo
K.K. Jazz
K.K. Lament
K.K. Love Song
K.K. Lullaby
K.K. Mambo
K.K. Marathon
K.K. March
K.K. Metal
K.K. Parade
K.K. Ragtime
K.K. Rally
K.K. Reggae
K.K. Rock
K.K. Rockabilly
K.K. Safari
K.K. Salsa
K.K. Samba
K.K. Ska
K.K. Song
K.K. Soul
K.K. Steppe
K.K. Swing
K.K. Tango
K.K. Technopop
K.K. Waltz
K.K. Western King
Lucky K.K.
Marine Song 2001
Mountain Song
Mr. K.K.
My Place
Only Me
Rockin' K.K.
Soulful K.K.
Steep Hill
Surfin' K.K.
The K. Funk
To the Edge
Two Days Ago
음악 Midifile Download
Agent K.K.
Aloha K.K.
Comrade K.K.
Forest Life
Go K.K. Rider!
I Love You
Imperial K.K.
K.K. Aria
K.K. Ballad
K.K. Blues
K.K. Bossa
K.K. Calypso
K.K. Casbah
K.K. Chorale
K.K. Condor
K.K. Country
K.K. Cruisin'
K.K. D & B
K.K. Dirge
K.K. Dixie
K.K. Etude
K.K. Faire
K.K. Folk
K.K. Fusion
K.K. Gumbo
K.K. Jazz
K.K. Lament
K.K. Love Song
K.K. Lullaby
K.K. Mambo
K.K. Marathon
K.K. March
K.K. Metal
K.K. Parade
K.K. Ragtime
K.K. Rally
K.K. Reggae
K.K. Rock
K.K. Rockabilly
K.K. Safari
K.K. Salsa
K.K. Samba
K.K. Ska
K.K. Song
K.K. Soul
K.K. Steppe
K.K. Swing
K.K. Tango
K.K. Technopop
K.K. Waltz
K.K. Western King
Lucky K.K.
Marine Song 2001
Mountain Song
Mr. K.K.
My Place
Only Me
Rockin' K.K.
Soulful K.K.
Steep Hill
Surfin' K.K.
The K. Funk
To the Edge
Two Days Ago
음악 Midifile Download
k 군 노래 미디 파일..
'Animal Crossing > Solutions' 카테고리의 다른 글
동물의 숲에 찾아오는 동물 리스트 및 시간대 (0) | 2007.06.21 |
K.K 군의 노래 가사 (0) | 2007.06.21 |
동물의 숲 이벤트 일람 (0) | 2007.06.19 |
동물의 숲에 찾아오는 동물 리스트 및 시간대
Animal Crossing/Solutions
2007. 6. 21. 10:40
토요일 19:30~24:00 K.K. Slider [노래를 들려주는 강아지]
월요일~금요일 21:00~21:55 Phyllis[시청에서 일하는 보라색페리카나?]
월요일~일요일 06:00~06:55 Pelly[하얀색]
일요일 12:00~13:30 Lyle[사기꾼 레드의 친구 수달]
월요일~일요일 12:00~13:30
14:30~16:00 Kapp'n [택시]
월요일~일요일 12:00~13:30
14:30~16:00 Rover[아실지 모르겠지만 동물의숲64에 기차에서 만나는 고양이]
월요일~금요일 23:00~24:00 Harriet [미용실]
일요일 14:30~16:00 두더지[약간 짜증나긴하지만..반가운..]
K.K. Slider 와 Phyllis는 시간에 맞춰 가시면 항상 만날 수 있지만
나머지 다른 애들은 시간 맞춰간다고 항상 만날 수 있지는 않다고 합니다...
출처 : 다른카페[어이..]
'Animal Crossing > Solutions' 카테고리의 다른 글
K군 노래 목록 (0) | 2007.06.21 |
K.K 군의 노래 가사 (0) | 2007.06.21 |
동물의 숲 이벤트 일람 (0) | 2007.06.19 |
K.K 군의 노래 가사
Animal Crossing/Solutions
2007. 6. 21. 10:12
Animal Crossing Song Lyrics
By: Alan Normen Sledge
Version 1.0
II.Song Lyrics
A. AC Theme
B. K.K. Ballad
C. K.K. Cruisin'
D. K.K. Aria
E. K.K. Technopop
F. Senor K.K.
G. Go K.K. Rider!
H. K.K. Gumbo
I. DJ K.K.
J. K.K. Jazz
K. Only Me
L. Two Days Ago
M. K.K. Safari
N. K.K. Ska
O. Rockin' K.K.
P. Imperial K.K.
Q. K.K. Soul
R. K.K. Samba
S.The K Funk
T. K.K. Lament
III. Sledge's Corner
Have you ever heard a K.K. song that you just couldn't stop listening to?
Yeah, I feel ya.Did you hum every beat, every precussion, and everything in
between all because it was SOOOO catchy? Yeah, I feel ya. Have you just
babbled words that came off the top of your head all because you thought it
was cool? Yeah, I really feel ya on that one. Well, anyway, I wrote the lyrics
to the songs that i like. I did some thinking aboot them and while most of
them may not be relevant to Animal Crossing,they were made to entertain the AC
fans . Have fun, tossers.
Animal Crossing Theme
It's time, It's time, It's time
To have some more fun w/ all of your friends in the town
It's time, It's time, It's time
To play and to run away from the evil...
No one's gonna berate you
Because they really dont hate you
It feels so much like you and i could life in peeeeeaceee
(Getting my clothes from the dump, no one will know)
K.K. Ballad
I thought you knew, i thought you knew
But now you know
"I love you"
And i hope that you love me too
These times are hard, these times are hard
But you know that...
"I love you"
And im glad that you're here to help me through
...all the way
K.K. Cruisin'
K.K Cruisin', along
With my funky beat (ooh-ahh,ooh-ahh,ooh-ahh,ooh-ahh)
K.K. Cruisin', alone
Girls I hope to meet
K.K. Aria
Please hear me out...i know its sudden but...
I really like you
Yes, I know in the past...I have denied it
But it is true
Could we go out...? You're really pretty...and
I really want to
I need you, i cannot breathe, my Aria, please
Go out w/ me
K.K. Technopop
I love the technopop,love that technopop
Do you want technopop?'cause i want technopop
Here goes the technopop, go get that technopop
Don't you love technopop? I'll have some technopop
Order some food & drinks, order the food and drinks
Order some food & drinks, order the food and drinks
Order some food & drinks, order the food and drinks
Order some food & drinks, order the food and drinks
(...party time...all night long)
I love that technopop
You i cannot stop
I wanna reach the top
By singing technopop
Senor K.K.
(We-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-
pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,)
I want you in my life
Could you just be my wife
Don't stab me with that knife
I just really like you girl
Touched my leg, once or twice
Sure felt so, very nice
Boy I'm so, high high high!
I think im going to hurl,to hurl, to hurl.....
Go K.K. Rider!
In his lane, he revs his engine. Just like a pro from the 'hood
Here he comes, oh once again! Can he ever be stopped for good?
Exceed the speed limit, exceed the speed limit, exceed the speed limit-mit-mit-
mit! Mit, mit, mit, my God!
He's fast! Oh watch him go by!
They call him "K.K. Rider"
K.K. Gumbo
Meg, you're looking kinda fine, tonight
Dance w/ me, oh pretty please
Meg, your naughty as can be, alright!
Do the "gumbo" 'till you hurt your knees
Hit me w/ a funky beat
Breakdance 'till you feel your heart heart and your soul
My moves just can't be beat
I know that you know
Don't be scared! It only takes your own effort
It's not like busting your face
Do it once and you'll be hooked like a fish
Express your mind, fall into place
K.K. Jazz
All the time I spent; may seem like crap
(Hey, but who really knows) Get out my way
Nobody cares, nobody cares, nobody cares
Oh, I breathe for you and steal for you
(Hey, but who really cares) I guess no one
Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone
I just shot a dog; it died w/ ease
(Hey, but who really knows) I better run
Here comes the pain, here comes the pain, here comes the pain
I hate hospitals; but i deserve....
(To be in this place...) I just got beat down
Nobody cares, nobody cares, nobody cares
Only Me
Nobody knows... that i like you
Nobody knows... that i like you
They thought they knew it all...but they don't
I said "They thought they knew it all...but they don't know"
Only me
Two Days Ago
All this time i felt,
like you're the one for me
I'm so glad, I'm so glad
You're my girl
I have seen, your face
Shine so bright, my gosh
I'm so glad, I'm so glad
Two Days Ago
K.K. Safari
(He is the man that they want to call 'sledge'.
He is the man that they want to call 'sledge'. Rar!)
Never to run from folks, always in 'courage-mode'
(Never to run from folks, always in 'courage-mode')
Always to save the weak, loves them but they don't know
(Always to save the weak, loves them but they don't know)
(They dont know)
K.K Ska
Ska is something that i like to do
Every thime i think about it, its kool
Bop my head, i want to bop my head
Can you tell me if its wrong or its right?
It's is something i wanna do all night
Broke my neck, i almost broke my neck
Rockin' K.K.
Rockin' K.K.! Get on the floor and show off
Grab your partner...but make sure the grabbin' is soft
Boogie to the rock 'cause I know you really wanna dance
Boogie to the rock 'cause I know you really wanna dance
Imperial K.K.
I want Japanese food!
It tastes so bad but it'll do
How long will it be
Go get my tea
I'm the king of this throne
My Queen ran away now i'm alone
I really need a wife, really want a wife, really need a wife,
Oh my goodness im soo diluted
K.K. Soul
Hey, hey, hey...its my vice guys
Wanna wake up w/ that soap-soap
I love it! Just to impress ya'll
You're my only hope
(Vice! Its his vice! He just said "its his vice"!)
If only i could...if only i could stop it
(Vice! Its his vice! He just said "its his vice"!)
I will always love the people
K.K. Samba
Its my birthday! Just look at the presents
It's my birthday...lets do the 'snake'
Look @ this, look @ this, look @ this one!
Look @ this, look @ this, look @ this!
It's from my mother! I goota cake!
Want some fruitcake? I got it from Kroger
Or some ice cream? Which one would you like?
My balloon,my balloon, my balloon, no!
My balloon,my balloon, my balloon
Look what you did now! We're gonna fight!
The K Funk
No...never gonna keep me off
I said it! No!
You will not keep me off the floor
Watch me get down on this beat
(Watch me now, watch me now...oh yeah
watch me get down on this)
Nope...nothing's gonna change my mind
Forget it! Nope
You will not keep me off the floor
I'm getting out of my seat!
(Watch me now, watch me now...oh yeah
watch me get down on this)
K.K. Lament
Oh, Katey C., babe you never did harm
You died in my arms, in my arms, in my arms
Toots, I feel sad, I feel bad, I feel blue
I just can't, live on, without you...
(So sad, so sad)
Sledge's Corner
Yes! Welcome to the 3rd edition of "Sledge's Corner". For all the tossers who
don't know what this is, let me explain. I post my postitves (what i liked),
negatives (what i didn't), and what i would add in the game.So let me get busy
and stuff like that.
+Playing NES games
+Having a house, moving stuff around, decortaing like i wanted to
+Create-a-shirt (All my crushes have encouraged me to make a shirt for them)
+K.K. Songs
+Trading items
+Making a snowman
-Can get a lil bit boring after ya beat it
-Switching houses can be slow at times
-Trash,boots,bees...you know where im going
-If you're gone one day, weeds take over like crazy
=Easier way to get all of the NES games
=Bigger space for the inside of your house
=Super Mario Bros. 3
=It should take up less than 59 blocks....damnation
I only have the top 7 questions (#7 to #1) i am asked most about this project.
Usually, its 10, but due to the craziest, lamest, ridiculous tosser attack on
my home i cannot fully answer all the questions.
Will you write an FAQ for AC2?
I might, i might not. I don't think I will, but if I like the game enuff, you
bet ur behind im coming back.
Where does the inspiration come from?
It comes from my heart. I never wrote lyrics while I was sad, mad, or anything
negative. Which would explain why they are probably so cheesy. I'd also credit
the girls I have mentioned the most throughout my lyric writing.
(see 'conclusion')
Could you like lyrics for me? You know, as a special tribute or something?
Yes and no. Yes, if you are a girl. No, if you're a guy. Guys, if you want
some "tips" on how to get your crush to like you, I'll dedicate some decent
lyrics (or advice). Other than that, go to eHarmony.com or something.
Why are there only 20 songs? Theres more than that.
Yeah, i know.Believe it or not, these were requested by popular demand. You
want lyrics to the unmentioned, e-mail me for the darn requests. I will ONLY
include the rest of the "Fabolous 55" if you tossers make a big demand for it.
How did you get the idea of this?
It all started when i was listening to the AC Theme.I just wrote down stuff,
posted it, got feedback, and kept going from there. I never intended to really
get into it until people actually read my lyrics. Now, its worth it.
What song got the biggest reaction?
AC Theme. I got aboot 7 people who liked it, 4 who didn't. Afterwards, Two
Days Ago and K.K. Samba actually got recognition. Hey....3 out of 20 ain't
THAT bad....
Whats your favorite K.K. song?
Its a tie b/t Cruisin' and Ballad. I like the melody on both, especially
Ballad { a.k.a revamped version of "Canon"}. If I had to pick just one, it
would be Cruisin'. Why? Because, i just do. It might change seeing how I don't
have ALL the songs, but who really cares....who really cares....who really
I will leave you all on this note. I love making FAQs. Everything I put into
this Document, took a bunch of work and I just want to dank you all for
reading this and tolerating it as well. I'd like to give special danks to
Nintendo and a VERY special danks to my supporters at GameFAQs.com (CLC,
shenmuegirl, Saiyan of Z, Reverend O' Haire, bananagirl) and a VERY VERY
SPECIAL DANKS to Katey Carey, Chasity, Kaytlyn, Melissa, and last but not
least, Megan V. I want to dank you all because you are very nice people, you
really inspire me to do things that are positive, and you're in Drama, which
gives me another reason to show off. Until next time, i'm out.
By: Alan Normen Sledge
Version 1.0
II.Song Lyrics
A. AC Theme
B. K.K. Ballad
C. K.K. Cruisin'
D. K.K. Aria
E. K.K. Technopop
F. Senor K.K.
G. Go K.K. Rider!
H. K.K. Gumbo
I. DJ K.K.
J. K.K. Jazz
K. Only Me
L. Two Days Ago
M. K.K. Safari
N. K.K. Ska
O. Rockin' K.K.
P. Imperial K.K.
Q. K.K. Soul
R. K.K. Samba
S.The K Funk
T. K.K. Lament
III. Sledge's Corner
Have you ever heard a K.K. song that you just couldn't stop listening to?
Yeah, I feel ya.Did you hum every beat, every precussion, and everything in
between all because it was SOOOO catchy? Yeah, I feel ya. Have you just
babbled words that came off the top of your head all because you thought it
was cool? Yeah, I really feel ya on that one. Well, anyway, I wrote the lyrics
to the songs that i like. I did some thinking aboot them and while most of
them may not be relevant to Animal Crossing,they were made to entertain the AC
fans . Have fun, tossers.
Animal Crossing Theme
It's time, It's time, It's time
To have some more fun w/ all of your friends in the town
It's time, It's time, It's time
To play and to run away from the evil...
No one's gonna berate you
Because they really dont hate you
It feels so much like you and i could life in peeeeeaceee
(Getting my clothes from the dump, no one will know)
K.K. Ballad
I thought you knew, i thought you knew
But now you know
"I love you"
And i hope that you love me too
These times are hard, these times are hard
But you know that...
"I love you"
And im glad that you're here to help me through
...all the way
K.K. Cruisin'
K.K Cruisin', along
With my funky beat (ooh-ahh,ooh-ahh,ooh-ahh,ooh-ahh)
K.K. Cruisin', alone
Girls I hope to meet
K.K. Aria
Please hear me out...i know its sudden but...
I really like you
Yes, I know in the past...I have denied it
But it is true
Could we go out...? You're really pretty...and
I really want to
I need you, i cannot breathe, my Aria, please
Go out w/ me
K.K. Technopop
I love the technopop,love that technopop
Do you want technopop?'cause i want technopop
Here goes the technopop, go get that technopop
Don't you love technopop? I'll have some technopop
Order some food & drinks, order the food and drinks
Order some food & drinks, order the food and drinks
Order some food & drinks, order the food and drinks
Order some food & drinks, order the food and drinks
(...party time...all night long)
I love that technopop
You i cannot stop
I wanna reach the top
By singing technopop
Senor K.K.
(We-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-
pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,we-pa, wepa-pa,)
I want you in my life
Could you just be my wife
Don't stab me with that knife
I just really like you girl
Touched my leg, once or twice
Sure felt so, very nice
Boy I'm so, high high high!
I think im going to hurl,to hurl, to hurl.....
Go K.K. Rider!
In his lane, he revs his engine. Just like a pro from the 'hood
Here he comes, oh once again! Can he ever be stopped for good?
Exceed the speed limit, exceed the speed limit, exceed the speed limit-mit-mit-
mit! Mit, mit, mit, my God!
He's fast! Oh watch him go by!
They call him "K.K. Rider"
K.K. Gumbo
Meg, you're looking kinda fine, tonight
Dance w/ me, oh pretty please
Meg, your naughty as can be, alright!
Do the "gumbo" 'till you hurt your knees
Hit me w/ a funky beat
Breakdance 'till you feel your heart heart and your soul
My moves just can't be beat
I know that you know
Don't be scared! It only takes your own effort
It's not like busting your face
Do it once and you'll be hooked like a fish
Express your mind, fall into place
K.K. Jazz
All the time I spent; may seem like crap
(Hey, but who really knows) Get out my way
Nobody cares, nobody cares, nobody cares
Oh, I breathe for you and steal for you
(Hey, but who really cares) I guess no one
Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone
I just shot a dog; it died w/ ease
(Hey, but who really knows) I better run
Here comes the pain, here comes the pain, here comes the pain
I hate hospitals; but i deserve....
(To be in this place...) I just got beat down
Nobody cares, nobody cares, nobody cares
Only Me
Nobody knows... that i like you
Nobody knows... that i like you
They thought they knew it all...but they don't
I said "They thought they knew it all...but they don't know"
Only me
Two Days Ago
All this time i felt,
like you're the one for me
I'm so glad, I'm so glad
You're my girl
I have seen, your face
Shine so bright, my gosh
I'm so glad, I'm so glad
Two Days Ago
K.K. Safari
(He is the man that they want to call 'sledge'.
He is the man that they want to call 'sledge'. Rar!)
Never to run from folks, always in 'courage-mode'
(Never to run from folks, always in 'courage-mode')
Always to save the weak, loves them but they don't know
(Always to save the weak, loves them but they don't know)
(They dont know)
K.K Ska
Ska is something that i like to do
Every thime i think about it, its kool
Bop my head, i want to bop my head
Can you tell me if its wrong or its right?
It's is something i wanna do all night
Broke my neck, i almost broke my neck
Rockin' K.K.
Rockin' K.K.! Get on the floor and show off
Grab your partner...but make sure the grabbin' is soft
Boogie to the rock 'cause I know you really wanna dance
Boogie to the rock 'cause I know you really wanna dance
Imperial K.K.
I want Japanese food!
It tastes so bad but it'll do
How long will it be
Go get my tea
I'm the king of this throne
My Queen ran away now i'm alone
I really need a wife, really want a wife, really need a wife,
Oh my goodness im soo diluted
K.K. Soul
Hey, hey, hey...its my vice guys
Wanna wake up w/ that soap-soap
I love it! Just to impress ya'll
You're my only hope
(Vice! Its his vice! He just said "its his vice"!)
If only i could...if only i could stop it
(Vice! Its his vice! He just said "its his vice"!)
I will always love the people
K.K. Samba
Its my birthday! Just look at the presents
It's my birthday...lets do the 'snake'
Look @ this, look @ this, look @ this one!
Look @ this, look @ this, look @ this!
It's from my mother! I goota cake!
Want some fruitcake? I got it from Kroger
Or some ice cream? Which one would you like?
My balloon,my balloon, my balloon, no!
My balloon,my balloon, my balloon
Look what you did now! We're gonna fight!
The K Funk
No...never gonna keep me off
I said it! No!
You will not keep me off the floor
Watch me get down on this beat
(Watch me now, watch me now...oh yeah
watch me get down on this)
Nope...nothing's gonna change my mind
Forget it! Nope
You will not keep me off the floor
I'm getting out of my seat!
(Watch me now, watch me now...oh yeah
watch me get down on this)
K.K. Lament
Oh, Katey C., babe you never did harm
You died in my arms, in my arms, in my arms
Toots, I feel sad, I feel bad, I feel blue
I just can't, live on, without you...
(So sad, so sad)
Sledge's Corner
Yes! Welcome to the 3rd edition of "Sledge's Corner". For all the tossers who
don't know what this is, let me explain. I post my postitves (what i liked),
negatives (what i didn't), and what i would add in the game.So let me get busy
and stuff like that.
+Playing NES games
+Having a house, moving stuff around, decortaing like i wanted to
+Create-a-shirt (All my crushes have encouraged me to make a shirt for them)
+K.K. Songs
+Trading items
+Making a snowman
-Can get a lil bit boring after ya beat it
-Switching houses can be slow at times
-Trash,boots,bees...you know where im going
-If you're gone one day, weeds take over like crazy
=Easier way to get all of the NES games
=Bigger space for the inside of your house
=Super Mario Bros. 3
=It should take up less than 59 blocks....damnation
I only have the top 7 questions (#7 to #1) i am asked most about this project.
Usually, its 10, but due to the craziest, lamest, ridiculous tosser attack on
my home i cannot fully answer all the questions.
Will you write an FAQ for AC2?
I might, i might not. I don't think I will, but if I like the game enuff, you
bet ur behind im coming back.
Where does the inspiration come from?
It comes from my heart. I never wrote lyrics while I was sad, mad, or anything
negative. Which would explain why they are probably so cheesy. I'd also credit
the girls I have mentioned the most throughout my lyric writing.
(see 'conclusion')
Could you like lyrics for me? You know, as a special tribute or something?
Yes and no. Yes, if you are a girl. No, if you're a guy. Guys, if you want
some "tips" on how to get your crush to like you, I'll dedicate some decent
lyrics (or advice). Other than that, go to eHarmony.com or something.
Why are there only 20 songs? Theres more than that.
Yeah, i know.Believe it or not, these were requested by popular demand. You
want lyrics to the unmentioned, e-mail me for the darn requests. I will ONLY
include the rest of the "Fabolous 55" if you tossers make a big demand for it.
How did you get the idea of this?
It all started when i was listening to the AC Theme.I just wrote down stuff,
posted it, got feedback, and kept going from there. I never intended to really
get into it until people actually read my lyrics. Now, its worth it.
What song got the biggest reaction?
AC Theme. I got aboot 7 people who liked it, 4 who didn't. Afterwards, Two
Days Ago and K.K. Samba actually got recognition. Hey....3 out of 20 ain't
THAT bad....
Whats your favorite K.K. song?
Its a tie b/t Cruisin' and Ballad. I like the melody on both, especially
Ballad { a.k.a revamped version of "Canon"}. If I had to pick just one, it
would be Cruisin'. Why? Because, i just do. It might change seeing how I don't
have ALL the songs, but who really cares....who really cares....who really
I will leave you all on this note. I love making FAQs. Everything I put into
this Document, took a bunch of work and I just want to dank you all for
reading this and tolerating it as well. I'd like to give special danks to
Nintendo and a VERY special danks to my supporters at GameFAQs.com (CLC,
shenmuegirl, Saiyan of Z, Reverend O' Haire, bananagirl) and a VERY VERY
SPECIAL DANKS to Katey Carey, Chasity, Kaytlyn, Melissa, and last but not
least, Megan V. I want to dank you all because you are very nice people, you
really inspire me to do things that are positive, and you're in Drama, which
gives me another reason to show off. Until next time, i'm out.
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