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IT Tech/XML에 해당되는 글 2건
- 2007.01.17 Word to XML
- 2007.01.05 DITA Webinar Agenda from xmetal.com
Word to XML

Docsoft's W2XML!
Docsoft's W2XML software is Word-to-XML conversion software. It converts DOC and RTF formats to well-formed XML. It is completely scalable and allows for custom XML exporting by allowing you to create and apply custom XSLTs to modify the standard output. W2XML supports the conversion of Microsoft Equation objects to MathML! The additional support for converting Microsoft(R) Equation objects into MathML (a W3C standard for describing mathematic formulas in a format easily transmittable over the web) augments W2XML's existing conversion capabilities unmatched by other Word-to-XML conversion tools.
Produce Docbook-Compliant Output
The software comes with an XSLT that allows you to output Docbook-compliant XML (http://www.docbook.org/) from most Word documents. This software will help you convert your legacy data for use within the Docbook framework with minimal effort.
"Our project at AT&T required us to transform format-intensive customer documents to clean (well-formed and valid) DocBook XML (Version 4.2), and to do this without contending with expensive and complicated software, training, etc. W2XML satisfied this objective. After telling W2XML the filename(s) of the Word document(s) to be translated and the name of a custom XSLT, we can now generate the DocBook XML with the click of a mouse. And, with this available DocBook XML, we can apply another XSLT (which we coded) to translate the XML to Web-ready XHTML in a matter of seconds." |
Jim Gregg AT&T Technical Information Design and Development |
Use Word as an XML Editor
You can also export to practically any Schema you wish by using W2XML's abilities to capture named styles within Word. When the Word document is converted to XML, class attributes area also added to each element. The value of the class attribute is the style name that is applied within Word. This ability turns Word into an XML editor. All you need to do is create a template (*.dot) within Word and create styles with the same names to match your Schema or DTD, and then apply the styles to each area as you are authoring in Word.
For instance, let's say you have an XML Schema or DTD that has 3 elements (for simplicity, we will only use 3 elements). The element names are title for titles, para for paragraphs and ulist for un-numbered lists. You can create styles in Word with these same names and apply the styles during the authoring process. When the *.doc is exported to XML using W2XML, these style names appear as attributes, which can easily be transformed to elements using XSLT.
W2XML has the most features for the money, and is the easiest-to-use Word to XML converter available.
Why Convert to XML?
Organizations are using XML for storing their data in a structured manner. This makes the documents "intelligent" and provides the capability of automating data transfer, searching and retrieval. It also automates processing and repurposing of the information that is contained with the documents. Another considerable advantage is that data tagged as XML today will still be useable 10, 15 even 20 years from now, because it is truly *extensible*.
The number one word processing software is Microsoft's Word. The number one method of storing intelligent documents is XML. Combine the two, and you give your organization a tremendous amount of data capabilities.
Unicode Character Support
W2XML supports most Unicode charsets, such as Arabic, Cherokee, Cyrillic, Danish (umlauts), Deutsch, Greek, Hebrew, Western, and some Asian character sets.
What About Word 2003?
While the prospect of being able to use Word 2003 to map and export XML is exciting, it does not provide an easy means of converting existing or legacy Word documents to XML. W2XML can bridge this gap for you, making it easy to export pure XML data from your MS Word documents. One of the best features of W2XML is that you can create a custom XSLT to automatically convert the standard output to your specific XML Schema, so you can create a single XSLT to "map" all of your Word data correctly, rather than having to map each individual Word document to XML using Word 2003!
W2XML Free Trial
W2XML is available for a free trial! To download a demo version, all you need to do is visit our Online Store and download the trial software. You will have 30 days to evaluate the software, and you can only convert up to 3 documents each time the application is launched.
W2XML System Requirements
Please review the following requirements to ensure optimum application performance and operability:
- Windows Platform w/.NET Framework 1.1;
- 500M RAM;
- 500K of hard disk space;
- Word 2K, XP or 2003 installed on host system;
- Mouse or suitable pointing device;
- Good understanding of eXtensible Style Language to create XSLTs for custom output.
NOTE: Customers who use W2XML to convert Word to XML must understand the relatively complex concepts behind conversion from an unstructured format to a structured format. For this reason, Docsoft recommends that customers who are new to structured content, or do not have the expertise to develop sometimes complex XSLTs, contract with Docsoft's consulting services to develop XSLTs to convert the standard output to a Schema or tag set for your specific needs. You may also visit our Techspeak Forums for questions and answers to this software and how to implement custom XSLTs.
W2XML v2.5 Update
NOTE:: This section is no longer updated. Please use the Techspeak Forums to access updated XSLTs, request information about upgrading or submit your own XSLT for others to try.
W2XML v2.5 Release Information
Users who purchased W2XML v2.0 or above may upgrade to v2.5 for free. See "Free Upgrade to Previous W2XML v2.0 Users" below for details.
Please see the W2XML v2.5 Documentation for information on the newly-added functionality.
Related URLhttp://www.docsoft.com/w2xmlv2.htm
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