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테크라이터에 해당되는 글 8건
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- 2007.01.25 STC 멤버쉽 가입 요금에 대한 안내
- 2007.01.23 Ten Golden Rules of Technical Communication
- 2007.01.23 훌륭한 Technical Writer 가 되기 위해서..
- 2007.01.05 Technical Writer - 기술전문 저술가
- 2007.01.05 Wikipedia의 테크니컬라이터
- 2007.01.05 매뉴얼 쓰는 사람 테크니컬 라이터
The Floating Writer's Survival Kit
Mobile and Agile: The Floating Writer's Survival Kit
By Alyssa Fox and Meredith Kramer
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- Introduction
- Making the Transition
- Gaining Clout on the Product Team
- Planning the Release
- Creating User Stories
- Planning Iterations
- References
Agile development is a popular methodology used by software companies. When making the transition to agile development, technical writers can face several challenges when floating among multiple project teams.
As a floating writer, gaining clout and presence on your product teams is essential to success on those projects. Making your teams aware of your interest and need for information helps them remember you when you are working on another project.
Release and iteration planning is always vital in agile development environments, but even more critical when dealing with multiple projects.
Agile development was developed for in-house products, and then adapted for use by software companies. Originally, the methodology did not include documentation, but many organizations have figured out how to use it effectively and adapt it to their needs. However, even when product teams use this process successfully, it assumes you have resources dedicated to each team.
Businesses today are cutting back and doing more with less. People have more to do and less time and budget with which to do it. In software companies, one way this can manifest itself is in resources moving among multiple projects. When we began using an agile development process, we searched far and wide for information about how to work using that process when working on multiple teams. What we found was that most of the writers out there working with agile development were dedicated to one product team. As floating writers, we have unique challenges in agile development.
At NetIQ, the members of our Information Development team move from product team to product team. We have leads on a few product teams that generally don't move around, but for the most part, our team members work on at least two projects simultaneously. While the flexibility of our team members can be beneficial, it can also be challenging to plan for and execute work on multiple teams. This paper describes how technical writers can smoothly transition to and continue to use scrum agile development when they float among several cross-functional project teams.
Making the Transition
Making the transition to agile development takes time. Regardless of which development process you're currently using, it will likely take several iterations, and possibly even a release or two, for your project team to feel comfortable with the new processes and way of life.
New Terminology
Agile development uses specific terms. Some of these terms and their descriptions are below.
- Agile development
- A development process that promotes iterative development, testing, and documentation of each feature/function.
- Scrum
- An agile development approach that emphasizes close communication through daily stand-up meetings. Scrum is intended to increase speed and flexibility in the development process.
- Scrum master
- The team member who facilitates scrum meetings and works to remove blocks that prevent team members from proceeding with their work.
- Iteration
- A short period of time in which a full software development cycle occurs: planning, design, development, testing, and documentation. Iterations typically last from 1-4 weeks. The goal is to have a potentially shippable product at the end of each iteration.
- Backlog
- The repository for all requirements and wish list items for the project. It is useful if the backlog contains rough estimates for the items to help with prioritizing during regular planning and review times.
- Capacity
- The maximum amount of hours a team member can work on a project during one iteration.
Design Documents
While agile development de-emphasizes design documentation in favor of working software, by no means does that mean all documentation is done away with. Comprehensive specification documents are replaced with shorter, more fluid documents such as user story documents and paper prototypes. Agile development involves working closely with customers to ensure you are developing what they ask for, and allows for refinement and rework along the way. A user story document describes what the user story is to do, acceptance criteria for the user story, and any additional information useful to QE and Info Dev.
When writers move on to a project for an iteration or two, they can get bogged down in a lengthy and sometimes complex spec. It's much easier for them to pick up three or four user story documents to read that apply just to their assigned user stories.
Adapting Your Review Cycle
When we used the waterfall process, we used a review cycle that included three drafts of each book: a first draft, an approval draft, and a quality edit draft. The first draft and quality edit draft were internal to Information Development. All of these drafts happened toward the end of a software release cycle, and were not reviewed by anyone outside the Information Development team until the project was feature complete and all features were documented in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, the time when we sent out our approval draft for review by other functional areas such as QE and Development often coincided with their busiest times of the release cycle--testing the product and fixing bugs.
With agile development, we now write documentation for a feature in the iteration it is developed and tested. On more mature products, we no longer send out the entire book as a first draft for ID review. Each time a feature is documented, that documentation must be reviewed by the ID lead/manager and by QE for technical accuracy before the team can close the user story. We still send out approval drafts, but for most reviewers, at that point it is simply a chance for them to see the book in its entirety, since they have reviewed all the new and updated parts of the book previously.
The benefits to this approach include the following:
- QE and Development no longer have to review an entire book (or more) during one of the busiest times of the release cycle.
- Info Dev gets more thorough reviews since QE and Dev have more time during each iteration to review pieces of the documentation.
- The documentation is more technically accurate, and therefore of a higher quality, due to the more thorough reviews.
- The floating writer's capacity needed for an approval draft is reduced because most of the work has already been done in previous iterations. Therefore, if you have multiple books on multiple products, there is not as big of a hit all at once on your time.
- Since you are likely moving writers around on an iteration-by-iteration basis, if you need to bring someone in to work just on the approval draft, they have a more complete document with which to work. It will then take less time for you to train them to pick up the work, and less time for them to get up to speed and get moving with the work.
Gaining Clout on the Product Team
Agile development relies heavily on frequent and clear communication. It might seem like communication will not be an issue for us because we are professional communicators. However, often essential communication is thwarted by preconceived ideas of what a technical writer does or can contribute to the team.
Speak Up!
It is imperative you speak up in meetings and take the initiative to get involved in all aspects of the product development. Ask lots of questions. If you see something in a design meeting that doesn't make sense to you, or you think there's a better approach, say so. Don't be intimidated by the fact you're not a developer. It's our job to look at the product from a user's perspective. If a GUI is difficult to use, let the developer who's coding it know. If you find out planning meetings are happening without you present, talk with the ones holding the meetings and make sure you're invited in the future.
Scrum meetings are your chance to communicate with Development and QE on a scheduled, regular basis. It is important to give and get detailed, specific information during these meetings. If you don't receive the information you need, ask direct questions to solicit greater detail.
Sample Scrum Topics
For example, saying, "I'm working on the User Guide" in a scrum meeting is not detailed enough. A better description might be, "I'm creating a new chapter in the User Guide for Feature X. I've talked with Development and received all the information I need to complete the draft, but will go back to them tomorrow for them to take a look at what I've got to ensure it's technically accurate."
Another example of a vague scrum topic is saying, "I'm creating the help for Feature X." This statement does not provide enough information or let anyone else on the team know if you need help or additional information. A better description could be something like the following: "I am about done creating the help structure for the wizard Feature X uses. Developer Sally, I'll need to get with you to show you what I did in the mapping file so we can hook up the help to the wizard page code. I'm also adding these topics to the .chm file's table of contents."
Be Involved
Being involved in all areas of the product development is crucial to your success as a writer on an agile development team. This level of involvement ensures you are tuned in from the beginning and know the requirements, design, and thought behind the design of the software. Not only does this make you a more informed writer, it shows the other functional teams (Development, QE, etc.) you are serious about learning the product itself and gains you invaluable respect.
Ensure you're involved in the following ways:
- Show an interest in the requirements, design, and thought behind the design of the product.
- Attend any and all release and iteration planning meetings. If you aren't being invited, invite yourself.
- Offer to help improve text in the GUI. At NetIQ, our Info Dev team is responsible for all text that shows in the product. Often it just takes some informational text or a better field name for the GUI to be much less confusing to a user.
- Be a usability advocate. Look at things from the user's perspective. Something may be completely clear to the developer, but that doesn't guarantee it's the best way to present it to the user. For example, a developer might code a window that asks if you want to automatically notify a user when a report has completed, and your choices are "True/False" instead of "Yes/No."
- Have the writer working on the feature interact with the developer and/or QE person working on the feature. Don't funnel all information through one person.
Take Ownership of Technical Accuracy
At NetIQ, the writers are responsible for the technical accuracy of the documentation they write. In order to take ownership of the technical accuracy of your documentation, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, don't write just what the developers tell you to write or assume something works a certain way. Ask questions and gain your own understanding of how the product works.
At NetIQ, the Information Development team creates and maintains its own set of virtual machines on which we install and test the builds of our products. Owning our own installations of our products allows floating writers to quickly and easily access the product without waiting on QE to install the product for us. This quick access reduces the amount of time it takes someone to jump in and start learning the product.
You must understand the product to know if there's a technical or usability problem in the product. If you demonstrate a solid understanding of the product, the team trusts you more when you make a suggestion for change.
Serve on a Core Team
A core team consists of a lead from each functional area (Product Management, Development, QE, Info Dev, and Technical Support). The core team drives the project and serves as a system of checks and balances to ensure there is equal representation from each area. The core team makes the decisions for the project together.
Planning the Release
When planning a release, think about your entire review cycle. The First Draft and Approval Drafts will coincide with active Development iterations, whereas the Quality Edit should occur during a hardening iteration so it doesn't affect Development and QE schedules.
Do resource planning on an iteration by iteration basis. Have a manager or lead look at resources across projects in order to provide the optimum load balancing.
Creating User Stories
User stories define a software system requirement, or what you are building. When creating a user story, include enough information for all functional team members to perform their tasks.
Creating Good User Stories
When creating user stories, use the INVEST method to ensure the stories are ready for all stakeholders to begin working with them:
- Independent: Can be worked on without pulling in other stories, can be scheduled in any order
- Negotiable: Allows flexibility with engineering team, implies it is understandable (easy to pick up)
- Valuable: Frames stories from customer perspective
- Estimatable: Allows lead/manager to pull floating writers on to project based on their capacity and estimate of time needed for story
- Sized appropriately: Lets floating writers focus on smaller pieces and move on and off project more smoothly
- Testable: Lets floating writers see upfront what the feature is supposed to do and can write more thorough documentation
User Story Tasks
Tasks are broken-down items of work required to fulfill a user story. All tasks must be completed before you can close a user story. To ensure tasks are clearly defined, follow the SMART method:
- Specific: Helps in understanding and prevents overlap
- Measurable: To know when it can be marked as complete
- Achievable: Is it feasible and realistic?
- Relevant: Aimed at fulfilling the story
- Time boxed: Estimated work remaining. Will it be done within the iteration?
Planning Iterations
When planning an iteration, determine the length of the iteration and the workload capacity of each team member.
Determining Capacity
When determining a team member's capacity, keep the following items in mind:
- Consider previous iteration estimates, if available.
- Include vacation and non-iteration responsibilities, such as meetings, customer support, and so on.
- Do not include the first or last day of the iteration.
- Ensure Development finishes early so Quality Engineering and Information Development have time to complete their user story tasks before the iteration ends.
When you serve on multiple teams, you could spend 4-5 hours per week in scrum meetings for each project on which you're working. Work with your lead or manager to spread out the workload in such a way that you can delegate scrum meeting attendance to others. Another option is to attend only the scrum meetings that pertain to your highest priority project at the moment. You can also ask the scrum master to send scrum status reports through email to help those who are unable to attend each scrum meeting for each project. While it's preferred you attend each scrum meeting for each project on which you work, sometimes it just isn't possible. Gaining clout and a presence on your team is that much more important in situations like this so people don't forget you when you're not there.
Sizing Documentation Work
You can create more accurate estimates by applying a standard number of hours per page of documentation written based on the level of source material. For example, if a task requires one new page of documentation with little source material, the task will take 6 hours. If you need to rework a page of documentation with some source information, it will take 4 hours.
Using a formula to estimate documentation work can make iteration planning much easier. You can plug in your tasks based on the information in the user story to quickly estimate the amount of documentation work required to complete your tasks. You then compare the number of hours required to complete all documentation tasks in the iteration to the total hours of documentation team member capacity.
- http://www.agilemanifesto.org
- http://xplanner.org
- "Managing Information in an Agile Environment," Robert Armstrong, Natalie Dyen, Ellen Pillsbury. Presentation at 53rd Annual STC Conference, May 2006.
- "Agile and Doc," Toni Taliaferro. Presentation at 53rd Annual STC Conference, May 2006.
- "Surviving as a Technical Writer in an Agile/XP Environment," Andy Sutton, Matt McDonough. Presentation at 53rd Annual STC Conference, May 2006.
- Subramaniam, Dr. Venkat. Agile Developer Training Manual. September 2006.
Alyssa Fox is an Information Development Manager at NetIQ Corporation. She works across product teams to coordinate resources, processes, and schedules for agile planning and implementation. She received a B.A. in History from Texas A&M University and has been involved in technical communication for over 10 years. Alyssa enjoys projects that address the entire user experience from beginning to end, and has an avid interest in usability. She is also interested in developing junior team members and building cohesive, cross-functional teams that work together to deliver a product that is relevant to the user. Alyssa is a senior member of STC and has served the Houston chapter as Executive Vice President, Vice President of Competitions, Vice President of Hospitality, Banquet Manager, Banquet Arrangements Manager, and competition judge. Alyssa has spoken at STC Houston chapter meetings and has won awards in the local STC competition.
Alyssa Fox, Information Development Manager
NetIQ Corporation
1233 West Loop South Suite 1800
Houston, TX 77027 USA
Meredith Kramer is a Lead Information Developer at NetIQ Corporation. She started her technical writing career after graduating from Texas A&M University in 1998 with a B.S. in Journalism. Meredith enjoys contributing to projects that provide information to users in a clear and concise way to help make their jobs easier. She has served on teams this year that have moved from the waterfall methodology to agile methodology and spearheaded efforts to promote Information Development in that transition. Meredith is a senior member of STC and has served the Houston chapter as Vice President of Hospitality, Technical Publications competition judging manager for the past two years, and competition judge.
Meredith Kramer, Lead Information Developer
NetIQ Corporation
1233 West Loop South Suite 1800
Houston, TX 77027 USA
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Ten Golden Rules of Technical Communication
1. Paper is Permanent
-Mistakes don't go away.
-Errors destroy the credibility of the product and the company.
-You won't be there to verbally clarify things.
-Proofread and edit thoroughly!
2. Know Your Audience
-Make safe assumptions.
-Distinguish the user from the market.
-Tap internal sources (marketing, tech support, etc.)
-Get customer contact.
-Learn to deal with mixed audiences.
3. Highlight Hazards
-Find hidden hazards.
-Rank warnings by severity (warning, causing, note)
-Make hazard visual clear. (indent or group)
-Place warnings appropriately.
-Explain ramifications.
-List prerequisites.
4. Break It Out
-Always remember that users don't read blocks of text!
-Use tables for values and specs.
-Use numbered lists for procedures and instructions.
-Use bulleted lists for features and other non-sequential information.
-Use flowcharts for branching processes.
5.Don't Write "Blind"
-Never rely on second- or third-hand information!
-See it, touch it, use it.
-If you can't do it, you can't explain it.
-Think and ask; what they want is not always what they need.
6. Be consistent
-Decide how to refer to the product.
-Pick one technical term.
-Consider interface elements and actions.
-Don't forget style, fonts, and layout.
-Use a style guide!
7. Signpost
-If it isn't documented, it doesn't exist.
-If it isn't accessible, it isn't documented.
-Never make users read material that isn't appropriate for them.
-Use layout and typography to indicate relationships of elements.
-Add roadmap in online Help.
8. Don't Violate Standards
-Recognize the difference between a legitimate standard and a bad de facto rule.
---(You need a good reason to change a standard.)
-Go to the source for the certification and guideline standards.
-When no rule exists, UDSG!
9. Contemplate Before You Illustrate
-Do you really need it?
-Do you need all of it?
-Does it enhance the text?
-Does it confuse the reader?
-Is it placed properly?
10. Cut the Fluss
-Remember, fluff kills!
-Watch out for these fluff items:
"If you want to, you can..."
"You may at this point need to..."
"It is recommended..."
Might, can, choose to
Vague languages (more, some, bigger, a lot)
-Where possible, use telegraphic style.
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훌륭한 Technical Writer 가 되기 위해서..
Become a Great Technical Writer
even if you are not a great writer
Where do you begin? How can you get an interview when you have no experience? How do you know if the technical writer on your team is doing a good job or a poor one? Can you find out before you hire the person?
Technical writers (known as technical authors in the United Kingdom) translate and organize complex information into user guides that any person can understand and use with ease. But in the 16 years that I have been in the business, I have often found myself working with writers who do not really know how to write manuals or use the desktop publishing software, and with clients who are not entirely sure what to expect from writers. More often, I have had to clean up a documentation mess left behind by a previous writer. This asymmetry between expectation and output can create technical writers who unknowingly make the same costly mistakes year after year, and clients who regard technical writers as a high-cost, low-value drain on the company's bottom line.
This site, whether you are a manager or a technical writer, will get you all working on the same page. If you are a writer, you will see that technical writing requires skills other than the ability to write. In fact, it is possible to write great user guides even if you are not a great writer. You don't need to spell perfectly (I don't), and you don't need to know the difference between a dangling participle and a dangling gerund. But although you don't have to be a great writer, you will probably be happier in the job if you like writing and are a competent writer. If you find it difficult to organize your thoughts and put them down in writing, you might find the job boring, unpleasant, and unrewarding.
In fact, writing is only a fraction of what you will do as a technical writer. This site, therefore, does not show you how to become a great writer—many other sites exist to help you with your grammar and style—but it does provide you with information, skills, tips, and techniques that can help you become a great technical writer.
Notes For Managers
If you are a manager, this site shows you what you can expect from the technical writers on your team. Although this site speaks mainly to the writer, you will easily be able to develop from the information provided your own expectations and requirements for your writers. This site will also help you distinguish between good and bad technical writing and it will tell you what to look for when hiring a writer. In particular, you should read the first three articles below.
:: 관련 링크 ::
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Technical Writer - 기술전문 저술가
엠파스 IT용어사전에서 검색한 것이다.
현재 내가 일하고 있는 직군이 이것인데.. 흔히들 메뉴얼 제작하는 것만 생각할수도 있다.
내가 일하고 있는 부분은 Component Software 를 활용하여 Application 을 쉽게 개발할 수 있도록
Guide 를 제시해주는 문서를 만들고 있다. 뿐만아니라 Software Engineering Process 중에 투입되어
개발자들이 설계문서를 작성하는데 Writing 이나 Documentation 관련된 부분에서 Support 를 하고 있다.
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Wikipedia의 테크니컬라이터
Technical writer
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Technical writers create technical documentation and user guides for a professional field or consumer technology. Their responsibilities are to communicate a message of a technical nature effectively, with more emphasis on understanding technology and less emphasis on aesthetics than graphic designers or copywriters. Technical writers are responsible for creating documentation that is helpful, accurate, comprehensible, and accessible to the intended audience. Many technical writers are also responsible for creating content for other modes of communication (e.g., writing scripts for industrial film or video).
Technical writers often have a certification or degree in English, in technical writing, in the technical field for which they are writing, or some combination of these.
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It is important that the writer has enough expertise to understand the audience's background and needs. It is also important that writers have the ability to assimilate highly technical material even if from outside the fields or specialities in which they have trained or previously worked in order to rapidly become productive in communicating new information. Writers with enough command of their technical subject to write for technical audiences are in special demand. For example, writers who develop documentation for software APIs, microcontroller operation, and other technical subjects are often paid more than those who write user guides for a nontechnical audience (for example, how to use email), since it is more difficult to find good writers with advanced technical knowledge or the ability to move quickly between advanced technical subjects.
While some technical writers specialize in technical areas, many experienced technical writers have knowledge related to specific methods of authoring and delivering information, such as printing processes, HTML, Javascript, PHP, Database Administration, Graphic Design, and Multimedia. Such extra experience may enable a documentation department to create and deliver complete and finished documents to a very large audience. Without this knowledge, the documentation department is more dependent on others to deliver the final product.
The technical writer has a self-interest in making the extra effort: looking credible is as important as being credible and getting results in business. Respect and credibility of the writer/speaker are integral to effective communications. Readers will not trust the information from an author if they do not believe that author is a valuable source of information or the purveyor of worthwhile ideas. Furthermore, being respected is essential to being persuasive, a key ingredient in business.
Technical writers are known in the United Kingdom and some other countries as technical authors. Technical writers are also known as information designers, information developers, and information architects.
Before writing any text it is essential for a technical writer to clarify the purpose of the writing. Some context needs to associated to the project. Ask the question, Are we writing to inform or are we writing to persuade? Once this constraint has been identified, the technical writer must identify the main audience of the work, as this will have the primary impact on the level of technical detail and need for definition of technical terms that the writer uses.
For example, a writer might be creating a paper-based document about how to use a VCR for a non-technical person of average literacy, who needs to know how to set the time and record television shows. Or the document may be for a technician who must diagnose, repair, or replace internal components in the same device. A writer may even be called upon to create the storyboard for a training film/video for a procedure. The result in each case will be very different.
Quite often, technical documents have more than one audience (such as a primary, secondary, and even tertiary audience), and will thus need to serve more than one level of technical expertise. Although documents can never equally serve all intended audiences, the technical writer may create a wider range of usefulness in any document by including brief general introductory phrases, even in highly technical material.
Once a basic general orientation is established, the writer may build to more specific and in-depth terminology slowly or relatively quickly, as the need dictates. As a negative example where this is not done, a poorly-written document on how to assemble or use a complicated device may simply start with detailed instructions, and completely lack any introductory overview material which puts the instructions into perspective. Readers who have struggled with such sets of poorly-written instructions often appreciate the different approach of well-crafted technical writing.
Technical writers often work as part of a writing team. In most cases, after the documentation is written using a desktop publishing tool or a help authoring tool, it is normally reviewed for accuracy by one or more "Subject Matter Experts" (SMEs). Technical writing is an iterative process and needs the involvement of many to ensure high quality.
- International Council for Technical Communication
- Society for Technical Communication
- Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (UK-based)
- Technical Communicators Association of New Zealand (NZ-based)
- Usability Professionals' Association of New Zealand (NZ-based)
- Tekom (Germany-based)
- TECOM Swiss Society for Technical Communication (Swiss-based)
- Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication (USA-based)
- Finnish Technical Communications Society (Finland-based)
- Conseil des Rédacteurs Technique (France-based)
See also
- Collaborative editing
- Software documentation
- Technical communication
- Technical communication tools
- Technical writing
External links
- Technical writers
- KeyContent.org
- TECHWR-L, The Internet Forum for Technical Communication
- The Association of Teachers of Technical Writing
- Technical writing
'IT Tech' 카테고리의 다른 글
어도브 아크로뱃 8 신제품 발표회 (3) | 2007.01.16 |
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Technical Writer - 기술전문 저술가 (0) | 2007.01.05 |
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매뉴얼 쓰는 사람 테크니컬 라이터
▣ 조계완 기자 kyewan@hani.co.kr
‘테크니컬 라이터’(Technical Writer)를 아십니까? “제품 품질은 좋은 것 같은데 사용설명서(매뉴얼)를 읽어보니 무슨 말인지 이해가 안 되고… 불편해 못 쓰겠어요.” 소니 등 일본 가전업체들은 북미 시장에 진출할 당시 이런 불만에 시달렸다. 상품 포장을 뜯자마자 사용설명서를 꼼꼼히 읽어보는 선진국 소비자들이라 일본어 원본을 조잡하게 번역한 매뉴얼을 참기 힘들었던 것이다.
출시 제품의 매뉴얼을 쓰고 번역·감수를 책임지는 직업이 테크니컬 라이터다. 제품 개발자들이 넘겨주는 초벌 매뉴얼을 소비자의 눈높이에 맞게 쉽게 고치는 리라이팅(rewriting)이기도 하다. 이제 매뉴얼은 엔지니어가 대충 써서 넘겨주는 ‘곁다리’ 품목이 아니다. 기능이 갈수록 복잡해지는 정보기술(IT) 기기 시장에서 쉽게 읽히는 매뉴얼은 성패를 판가름하기도 한다. 좋은 매뉴얼은 잘 짜인 책과 같다. 그런 책은 목차만 읽어도 무슨 내용이 있는지 눈에 쏙 들어온다. 매뉴얼은 제품의 가장 핵심적인 기능이 맨 처음에 나와야 하고, 중요도 순서대로 관련 기능을 배열하게 된다. 이런 것이 잘돼야 매뉴얼의 ‘검색성’이 생긴다. 책을 넘기면 소비자가 원하는 설명이 즉각 나오고, 전반적인 작동 흐름이 눈에 잘 들어와야 한다. 리라이팅의 경우 문장 몇 개만 고치면 되려니 하겠지만, 사실 엔지니어 시각에서 쓴 글이라 설명이 복잡하고 목차가 뒤죽박죽인 경우가 많다.
외국에서는 디지털 기기를 구매한 뒤 매뉴얼에 설명이 잘못돼 있어서 피해를 봤다거나 매뉴얼을 읽어봐도 모르겠다는 이유로 소송을 제기하는 사례도 많다. 기존 매뉴얼을 보면, 고급 종이에 편집은 다채롭지만 정작 들어가야 할 내용이 빠지는 등 기본이 부실한 것도 많다. 매뉴얼에는 ‘문학적 요소’가 침투하면 안 되고, 마른 수건처럼 철저하게 기술적으로 표현해야 한다. 같은 매뉴얼에서 ‘위험’이란 말을 여러 번 쓰게 된다면 처음부터 끝까지 위험이란 말의 뜻을 똑같은 의미로 써야 한다. 문학은 동어반복을 싫어하는 반면 매뉴얼은 같은 어휘를 자주 반복하면서 쉽고 간결하게 써야 한다.
테크니컬 커뮤니케이션즈 협회 장석진 사무국장은 “매뉴얼도 제품의 일부이고 휴먼 인터페이스다. 말 못하는 디지털기기와 이용자를 연결해 커뮤니케이션을 하도록 돕는 것이다. 디지털 기기마다 컨버전스 흐름에 따라 기능이 복합화되면서 매뉴얼이 두꺼워지고 있고, 하루가 멀다 하고 신제품이 나오면서 매뉴얼 제작 주문도 늘고 있다”고 말했다. 매뉴얼은 시각적으로 보여주는 것뿐 아니라 디지털 기기의 고유한 특성을 정확하고 쉽게 알려줘야 한다. 또 소비자가 해당 제품에서 주로 어떤 가치를 얻으려고 하는지도 알아야 한다.
국내에서는 아직 생소하지만 미국 등에서 테크니컬 라이터는 어엿한 전문직 대접을 받는다. CNN의 <머니 매거진>이 최근 평균 연봉과 10년간 성장 전망을 기준으로 평가한 ‘미국의 50대 유망 직종’에서 테크니컬 라이터는 13위를 차지했다. 의학연구자(15위), 일반 엔지니어(17위), 의료서비스 매니저(28위) 등을 제쳤다. 국내 전문 매뉴얼 제작 업체는 10여 곳에 이른다. 삼성전자와 LG전자 등 대기업은 사업부별로 각각 3∼10명의 테크니컬 라이터를 별도로 거느리고 있다.
ⓒ 한겨레(http://www.hani.co.kr), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지 <한겨레는 한국온라인신문협회(www.kona.or.kr)의 디지털뉴스이용규칙에 따른 저작권을 행사합니다.>
'IT Tech' 카테고리의 다른 글
어도브 아크로뱃 8 신제품 발표회 (3) | 2007.01.16 |
오픈도큐먼트로 향하는 세계「한국은 조용∼」 (0) | 2007.01.05 |
Technical Writer - 기술전문 저술가 (0) | 2007.01.05 |
Wikipedia의 테크니컬라이터 (0) | 2007.01.05 |
[얼리어답터] 솔트룩스 김혜민씨 (0) | 2007.01.05 |